Welcome to the Copenhagen Marathon 2025 resale platform
Click here to see our guide on how to buy, sell or transfer your number to others.
Do you wish to sell?
If you wish to sell your Copenhagen Marathon entry you must log in to your profile and start the process there.
Do you wish to buy?
If there are any race numbers for sale they will show on the list below. The list will update when new numbers are put up for sale. If there are no race numbers for sale, please try again later. If the button next to a start number reads 'In Progress' this means that someone is process of buying the race number.
Click on the yellow Buy-button next to the start number, you wish to buy. You will now be transferred to our registration page, where you can complete the purchase and sign up for the race.
If you do not complete the purchase within 30 minutes, the race number will be put up for sale again.
Please note, that if you click on the Buy-button you can't go back to the Resale Platform before 1) you have purchased the race number or 2) the 30 minutes have passed.
Please note that it is not the Copenhagen Marathon that is selling the race numbers. We simply facilitate the contact between buyers and sellers and ensure that everything happens under safe and secure conditions. This means that we don't control when race numbers will be put up for sale.
There are currently no race numbers for sale. Try again later.