Johannesburg City Marathon 2025

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Klipriviersberg Recreation Centre, Kibler Park

Johannesburg Harriers Athletics Club are proud to present the Johannesburg City Marathon 42.2km, 21.1km and the 10km race.

Distances & Entry Fees

42.2km R380
21.1km R280
10km R180

42.2km R270
21.1km R170
10km R80

Above entry fees exclude online transaction costs.

All finishers before the final 6 hour cut-off at 12h00 will receive a medal.

Your race number will include a timing chip and timing will be based on mat-to-mat for both the 21.1km & 42.2km events. This is an essential Comrades qualifier or if already qualified is excellent training preparation.

Starting times
21.1km & 42.2km at 06h00
10km at 06h30

Walkers are encouraged to enter the 10km and 21.1km distances only. The 42.2km race has a 10h00 cut-off at 26km.

If you wish to process a new entry and pay by card or Instant EFT

Click here if you have aleady entered and wish to edit your details or add merchandise

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All prices and fees in this event are in south african rands (ZAR) and include VAT where applicable.

Customer service
Enquiries about the event please contact:

Johannesburg City Marathon 2025
072 679 0874

Ultimate Sport Service | Langelandsvej 38 | 5800 Nyborg | Denmark